About the ICAO TrainairPlus Programme and courses

The ATNS Aviation Training Academy is an active member of the ICAO TRAINAIR Plus Programme and has been a Regional Training Centre of Excellence since 2017. As such, the ATA plays a leading role regionally, focusing on regulatory training, and actively supporting ICAO in its capacity-building efforts and effectively assisting other ICAO Member States in the implementation of the ICAO SARPs via the extensive delivery of ICAO training.
This membership allows the ATA to:
- work collaboratively with other training centres, ANSPs and Civil Aviation Authorities
- have access to all ICAO recognized courses prepared by ICAO and by other TrainairPlus Programme Members.
- progressively upgrade, standardize and harmonize its course curricula by applying the TRAINAIR Plus course development methodology.
The ATA has three Standardised Training Packages (STPs) developed through this programme following the ICAO TrainairPlus Training Development Methodology. The following ATA STPs are in the ICAO TPEMS Directory:
- Performance Based Navigation (PBN) for Air Traffic Service Officers (ATSOs)
- ATM/CNS Computer Networking
- Quality Management Systems(QMS) Internal Auditors Course