About IATA Courses

Our mission
IATA’s mission is to represent, lead, and serve the airline industry.
Representing the airline industry
We improve understanding of the air transport industry among decision makers and increase awareness of the benefits that aviation brings to national and global economies. Advocating for the interests of airlines across the globe, we challenge unreasonable rules and charges, hold regulators and governments to account, and strive for sensible regulation.
Leading the airline industry
For over 70 years, we have developed global commercial standards upon which the air transport industry is built. Our aim is to assist airlines by simplifying processes and increasing passenger convenience while reducing costs and improving efficiency.
Serving the airline industry
We help airlines to operate safely, securely, efficiently, and economically under clearly defined rules. Professional support is provided to all industry stakeholders with a wide range of products and expert services.
Our brand values
Our Brand Values define what we value and how we behave to help us deliver the IATA mission and vision. We all have different personalities, styles and areas of expertise, are at different levels of the organization, and play different roles.
But you will recognize us by the consistent way in which we act and behave. We live our values and embody the supporting behaviors to make IATA a great place to work:
- We build standards through expertise
- We champion the global big picture
- We partner for mutual benefit
- We act with a simple human touch